Stephanie Hulman is a professional conservator of decorative and historic finishes, and she has been working in the field of heritage preservation since 2005. She is a Professional Associate in the American Institute for Conservation (AIC), a designation that is received upon the review of training, knowledge, and experience by a body of professional conservators who are recognized in the field for their commitment to the purposes for which AIC was established. After earning her Master of Science in Art Conservation degree from the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation in 2012, she has worked as a contract conservator for the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Walters Art Museum, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. While her business is located in Baltimore, she works for a variety of museums and private clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. She focuses on the treatment of decorative arts with specialties including painted furniture and objects, polychrome sculpture, lacquer, murals, gilded surfaces, and architectural finishes.